
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ultra-Bastard D&D: Ranged Weapons

Ultra-Bastard has no restrictions on weapon type by character class and there is no "proficiency" in this system. Class options and character advancement might grant bonuses to a particular weapon.
Ranged weapons typically add dexterity mod to their to-hit roll. Thrown weapons add the better of strength mod or dexterity mod. 

Light crossbow
Cannot load if you move on your turn
Heavy crossbow
Takes a full turn to load.
Optional: Minimum strength 13. Fires twice per round.
Optional: Minimum strength 15. Fires twice per round.

You cannot load or fire a ranged weapon while engaged in melee. 

Thrown weapons roll the same die for damage as if they were used in melee (but without adding an ability modifier to damage). I.e. a knife does d4, a tomahawk does d6 and a spear does d8.

I don't use strictly defined range limits/modifiers because in practice they almost never come up. 

Special Rules: These are optional

Crossbows (and guns) are easy to use. If your dexterity mod is less than +2, use +2 instead.

Bows are powerful but are hard to use. They add dexterity mod to hit but have a minimum strength to use. Archers fire twice every round - once in initiative order and again at the end of the round. 

If you have a throwable weapon in hand and are not engaged in melee at the start of your turn, you can throw it while moving into melee and still make a melee attack. 

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