
Saturday, March 7, 2020

A Few Favorites

Definitely watch this.
Cross-linking has always been how I've found D&D stuff, so I wanted to pause for a moment to highlight some rad things made by other people.

  • Frothsof is doing a more thorough blog roundup weekly.
  • Anne over at DIY & Dragons has also done a great best-of post recently.  

I'll continue posting my Ultra-Bastard house-rules soon.

Tarot Deck Random Encounters via Rise Up Comus - I recently bought a classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck and having players draw a card for encounters will be a much more dramatic game moment than rolling a dice behind the screen.
Kevin Campbell
Kevin Campbell's maps, posted by Dyson back in 2013 continue to delight me. Has Kevin set up a blog or something in the Post-G+ Era?

The ggnore podcast has been on a particularly good run lately. Daniel's Dungeon Academy campaign is loaded with symbolism, novel mechanics and tricky puzzles. I've never gotten any of that stuff to work but Daniel and co are making it look easy.

Map by Michael Gibbons
Jack Guignol has been posting updates to his Gothic Krevborna setting. I missed it the first time around and I am enjoying it.

While Michael Raston has been focusing on his sci-fi Star Dogs lately (it's great stuff), I keep finding myself going back to his Infinigrad posts. Especially his Frozen Skull and Angel's Burial Ground suburbs.

These are just a few of the things I've loved lately. I'm definitely missing lots of deserving folks and I may need to do more of these posts as I recall other great stuff and new wonders are created.

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