Monday, January 6, 2025

Tar Body Maggot


Darkest Dungeon

Maggots the size of a golden retriever. Slow moving, they are drawn by the smell of living flesh. They will attach themselves to any living creature and begin to feed. Any puncture of their thin skin releases a thick adhesive that can easily entrap attackers. 

Tar Body Maggot

Armor Class: 8 (unarmored). 

Hit Dice: 1d6 (HP4)

Attacks: First attack to attach (no damage), + 0 to hit, ignores armor. Once attached deals automatic damage each round until removed. First round deals 1 HP, second 2 HP etc. damage escalating as it chews its way further into the victim's more vital bits.

Move: 1/2 speed of unencumbered human. Can move on walls and ceilings.

Saves: 13+

Morale: Very stupid and will mindlessly pursue prey. Can be driven back temporarily by intense heat or cold.

Number Appearing: d10 x 3

Special: Hitting it with a bladed or piercing weapon releases super sticky goo. It will trap & tangle the weapon and potentially the attacker too (a la the folkloric Tar Baby). If killed, they melt into a big gluey puddle that will trap anyone stepping/contacting it. This smells intensely sweet and will attract other scavengers.