Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Ultra-Bastard D&D: Social Moves

The DM will use moves like the ones below to determine the outcome of important interactions. To use a move, describe what you do. Don't just say "I want to Bargain or Manipulate this Margrave."
The moves happen when certain conditions are met and it should be easy for the DM to see what you are trying to do.

These are not the only moves that exist. Some will be revealed in play. Some are only available in particular environments. Some might only happen once.

Bargain or Manipulate: When you have leverage over someone tell them what you want and roll +Charisma.
 On a 10+
They'll do it for a fair price or reasonable promise, it's up to you whether you pay up.
On a 7 - 9
They'll do it but demand a high price and some concrete assurance right now.
The DM will tell you what it will take to make them do what you want. Do it and they will.

The existence of this move should NOT be interpreted as an invitation to try talking your way into discount supplies or gear. Your DM did not create a fantasy world for you so they could haggle over the price of torches. Don't be a bad person.

There are moves to help you get more information about a situation. If you succeed, the DM will give you the most useful, truthful answer that makes sense. These can be really helpful when you don't know what to do.

Read a Person: When you watch someone closely in a tense situation, roll +Alert
 On a 10+
You can ask and get an honest answer to three questions:
  • Is this character telling the truth?
  • What's this character really feeling?
  • What does this character intend to do?
  • What does this character want me to do?
  • How do I get this character to ______?
On a 7 - 9
Ask one question from the list above.

Read a Sitch: When you stand back from the action to read a tense situation, roll +Alert.
On a 10+
You get an honest answer to three questions:
  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
  • What here is the biggest threat?
  • Where is my best escape route?
  • What is my enemies true position?
  • Which enemy is most vulnerable to me?
On a 7 - 9
Ask one question from the list above.

Very Optional:

Turn Someone On: When you use your wiles to get something from someone roll +Charisma

 On a 10+
They want you. Choose one:
  • Give themselves to you
  • Promise something they think you want
  • You'll have hold over them at some point in the future.
On a 7 - 9
You made an impression. They choose one from above but it will get complicated.

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