Saturday, August 10, 2024

Robbing Rogues & Ruffians: d47 Search the Body Table

One of my favorite conventions of the OSR is the "I search the body" table. 

My players really enjoy treating low-level bad guys like pinatas -- beating little treats out of them.

I try to make custom search-the-body tables for every major class of enemy (I've done beastmen a couple times, bandits, oozes, philosopher apes, cultists, aliens,  monkssmugglers twice) and often one or two for every dungeon. 

Typically, these live on post-its, or index cards loose in my notebook.

David Sutherland from AD&D DMG

Here's some pocket-treasure for thieves, rogues and assorted riff-raff:

  1. Lockpicks
  2. Skeleton key
  3. Vial of poison
  4. Smoke bomb
  5. Strong magnet
  6. Blackjack
  7. Marked cards
  8. Loaded dice
  9. Bird-call whistle
  10. Misericorde
  11. Folding knife
  12. Metal file
  13. Crowbar
  14. Ball of twine
  15. d6 sausage links
  16. Liquor flask
  17. Liquor flask (drugged)
  18. Sack of candy
  19. Large lollipop
  20. Ham sandwich wrapped in paper
  21. Blowgun
  22. Locket, poison needle trap
  23. Love note
  24. Blackmail letter
  25. Dirk
  26. Secret police badge
  27. Truth serum
  28. Witch's address on scrap of paper
  29. Healing potion
  30. Shrink Self potion
  31. Locate Object scroll
  32. Mechanical lighter
  33. Box of cigars
  34. Pack of cigarettes
  35. Single cigarette laced with berserker salts
  36. Gang correspondence
  37. Compact net
  38. Roll of wire
  39. Growler of rat poison
  40. Sack of purses & wallets
  41. Signet ring
  42. Deed to a house
  43. Garrote
  44. Flask of gunpowder
  45. Derringer
  46. Compact saw
  47. Hand mirror

Tod's Workshop

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